Founded by prayer in the City of Angels, this is Fidem Fishers.

Christian Luxury is about honoring the process and the people, while making you look and feel gorgeous. We were made in God's image. We should feel like it. Every day. Don't put on clothes don't make you feel like the image of the Lord that you are.

We work with faith-backed re-homing organizations that place people who need it back on their feet and back in our society. Ten percent of every sale goes into those orgs. We do it, like Christ would, without condition. There are no qualifiers on God's children. The most important commandment was to love your neighbor. No other rules applied.

The fashions we design are simple and elegant. Like our vibe, they're elevated casual. The finest materials with the deepest respect for the people who make them and wear them.

We answer every message. Write us with questions about our tithings or our products.

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